Cortisol Manager for Sleep

I wanted to do a whole rigorous review of all of the individual ingredients, but my new role at work is sucking up all my time and every time I mention “I found a supplement that cured my sleep problem” people demand to know what it is, so screw it, here’s the unscientific version.

Cortisol is the long term stress hormone. High cortisol at night can prevent you from falling asleep, or cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. I had this problem a lot, usually at 3 AM.  I started taking Cortisol Manager and started sleeping through the night, which, wow, is everything I dreamed it would be. It is not the only reason I went from working 60 hours/week to working 90, but it was a contributor.

[Note: “work” means “consciously chose to do a thing, of any kind, as opposed to looking up and realizing I’d just spent 40 minutes on Reddit.”, although my actual job-work hours did go up too]

Cortisol Manager has a number of ingredients, two of which I know anything about:

  • Ashwaganda, which is an “adaptogen”, raising or lowering cortisol as you need it. This is good, because cortisol is extremely important for getting out of bed in the morning. Taking ashwaganda alone does not seem to help me.
  • Theanine, an amino acid that lowers anxiety. Theanine alone leads to higher quality sleep for me, and helps my anxiety enough to be used for dental visits before I got a prescription for something stronger.


I’ve been on and off CM in the past. At points it depressed on cortisol too much (although right now I need two tabs/night), other times it just didn’t feel necessary. But it is extremely necessary for me right now, and at least one friend has benefited tremendously from me sharing the recommendation.


I have published a lit review on burnout. You can read it at the new EA Forum. I think a lot of the value will come from discussion in the comments and I want to keep them all in one place, so please comment there rather than there.