Health At Every Size Roundup

I read Health At Every Size and wrote a number of blog posts on it.  Some are follow ups on science it mentions but didn’t not examine in depth, some are spot checks of its scientific claims.  Neither set is comprehensive, but hopefully they are helpful.

HAES pre-check: What I thought about fat, food, and health before reading HAES.

Now I’m learning about hypothalamusing: The hypothalamus is the main coordinator of food consumption and use, and we have no idea how it works.

Ghrelin: The Hunger and Lung Development Games: the discovery that the hunger hormone also plays a crucial role in fetal lung development inspires a pun I will find increasingly difficult to maintain as the series progresses.

Leptin: Catching Chemicals: This one was a stretch.

Insulin and Glucagon: Mockingsugar: you try and come up with a food/health/fat based pun on the word Mockingjay.

Bariatric Surgery: HAES says it’s universally bad, my reading of the literature is that it’s awful, but sometimes the better choice.

Fiber: The Mr Rogers of Nutrition: Everyone likes fiber.

Obesity, Blood Pressure, and Study Design: partially an examination of the link between obesity and blood pressure, but mostly an explanation of why the studies we’ve done so far are so unhelpful.

Controls and Confounds: Why designing a study to determine causality is so hard.

HAES post-check: What I thought about fat, food, and health after reading HAES.

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